Production | Distribution | Marketing
We’ve spent the last 30 years making outstanding audiobooks for the Big 5. Now we’re helping smaller publishers and independent authors create great audiobooks and bring them to market.
Audiobook Production
“Nobody makes better audiobooks than John Marshall Media.”
– David Wilk, BookTrix
Over the past 30 years, John Marshall Media has created over 20,000 of the world’s best-selling audiobooks. Now JMM is helping independent publishers and authors produce audiobooks that sound as good as the Big 5 . . . every time.
One of our world-class Audiobook Producers will guide you through the entire process. Author or narrator recording, single voice or multi-cast, specifications for all retail platforms, even distribution and marketing if needed.
Click here for a deep dive into the people and process that make JMM the “pinnacle of professionalism”, according to Harper Audio, and learn how we “consistently deliver”, according to Capstone Publishing.
Some of Our Clients include:
Audiobook Distribution: Lantern
Lantern is John Marshall Media’s full-service distribution platform for audiobooks.
We can Produce, Distribute and Market your audiobooks, all in one place and all managed under one roof. If you’re only selling on Audible, you’re missing a lot of the market.
55+ Retailers
with worldwide reach
Audiobook Retailers include Apple Books, Audible, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, Public Library Platforms, Spotify, Storytel, and many more.
37% More Sales
than on Audible alone
If you’re exclusively on Audible, then you’re losing over 37% of your sales, and you’re locked with Audible while they continue to lose marketshare.
UrBookStore App
sell directly to your listeners
We can create your own customized online bookstore and app so you can personally reach out to, and sell directly to your own audience.
Audiobook Marketing: Find Your Audience
JMM Audiobook Marketing specializes in full-service marketing for audiobook publishers and independents to maximize the reach of its readers worldwide. Interested in diving a little deeper?
Built on a marketing team with a century of combined experience, our audiobook marketing capabilities deliver on all aspects from strategy and planning, to creative and outreach, to advertising and optimization.
Get your books in front of buying customers through targeted campaigns designed for instant purchases; search, social, channel.
We work with you to optimize your metadata, headers, content, your Amazon Author Page, GoodReads, Social Media, and Website.
Leveraging relationships with hundreds of blogs, podcasts, reviewers, and influencers, we’ll get the media placement you deserve.
Narrators: Hundreds of the Best
John Marshall Media works with hundreds of the best audiobook and voice acting narrators in the industry, all managed under our proprietary database platform system.
Audiobook Bookstore: Directly Monetize
Centered around a complete audiobook ecosystem from concept and production, to marketing and distribution, John Marshall Media also has an audiobook bookstore where customers can shop, and publishers can directly monetize.
Production Process: CASTING
Author or Professional Narrator?
We can help you decide, and them make them sound OUTSTANDING.
In our 25 Years of Producing audiobooks, we’ve developed the best, most extensive narrator database in the industry.
When we start your production, your JMM Audiobook Producer will discuss your book with you, then suggest several narrators to you. We’ll supply a custom Castin Page with each narrator reading a sample of your audiobook. You choose your favorite, and we’ll start recording.
If your audiobook calls for an author read, no problem. We can record them anywhere in the world . . . Literally. JMM owns 21 Studios in 2 countries, partner studios all over the world, and can even FedEx our “Studio-in-a-box” to the authors house if needed.
Every author production includes a “Pre Session Coaching” call where your JMM Audiobook Producer will coach you on what to wear (no starched shirts or stiff clothing. Very nosy), bring an apple (they help eliminate mouth noises) and will even do a mock session in prep.
On session day, your JMM Audiobook Producer will call the studio 30 minutes prior to the authors arrival to make sure the setup is going properly and everything is up to JMM standards. After the father arrives the producer will greet the author, make sure things are sounding up to GM specifications, and provide coaching for the author in the first half hour of the session. If you’ve engaged us for casting directing then of course your producer will be there the whole session.